Friday, January 26, 2007

A Month In Obscurity

Firstly, sorry about the lack of content in the last few days, I've been busy with yet another new paper/project, and life in general, so I haven't had a chance to write up my research and post it, and I don't see myself having much time to write something up this weekend, but come Monday or Tuesday I'll most likely start posting again.

But in the mean time, I thought I'd post some interesting but rather obscure things I've found on the internet. Obscure is being defined as not being mentioned on ha.ckers, so a lot of people might know a lot of these, but I think that most people won't know all of them. Oh, and this isn't strictly content from January, it primarily is, but anything interesting I found lately and thought most people wouldn't know about is link worthy. If you think you know anything else, please write a comment or something.

.NET Framework bug and XSS by xknown.

Essentially, xknown found out that when .NET pages use the Response.Redirect, the function does not check whether or not the URL provided is a URL which you can redirect to using the location header, and so it is possible to send a javascript: URI which the page will attempt to redirect you to and fail, but it will then print it out on the page like so:

<html><head><title>Object moved</title></head><body>
<h2>Object moved to <a href="javascript:alert('XSS')">here</a>.</h2>

And if the user clicks on the link, they will execute your JS. Of course data: and similar URIs can also be used.

Anti-DNS Socket Pinning + Flash by Kanatoko.

With Anti-DNS Pinning, we can break the same-origin policy.
Not only JavaScript, but also FLASH and Java Applet are affected.

FLASH has the Socket class in the new version of FLASH Player ( version 9.0 or higher, ActionScript 3.0 ).

--Quoted from the documentation--
The Socket class enables ActionScript code to make socket connections and to read and write raw binary data.
The Socket class is useful for working with servers that use binary protocols.

Month of Apple Fixes by Landon Fuller.

I think the title is pretty self-explanatory here, and while I didn't think this was really worth a mention here, I thought I might as well chuck it in here, since not everyone keeps on top of these things.

Cross-Domain POST Redirection by Ilia Alshanetsky.

Not exactly new research, but something most people don't know about, I wonder if phishers will start using this instead of MITM phishing kits which generated so much pointless publicity.

Digg This - Blog Security Vulnerabilities Found by Harry Maugans.

Harry found a bug in the Digg This wordpress plugin that blindly assumed that the first hit to come to a page from digg must be coming from the link to the submitted story, and so a spammer can easily get people digg their own articles instead of the articles posted on a blog. Great find by Harry, and great ingenuity by the spammers IMO.

Uninformed Issue 6 Was Released

Uninformed is a technical outlet for research in areas pertaining to security technologies, reverse engineering, and lowlevel programming. The goal, as the name implies, is to act as a medium for informing the uninformed. The research presented here is simply an example of the evolutionary thought that affects all academic and professional disciplines.

Its articles are of impecable quality, so I say everyone with even a cursory interest in low level programming or similar should check it out.

Tricking forums about image size (Animated GIFs) Analysis by Captbox, image example supplied by Xoferif.

What Captbox was able to find out from the image Xoferif provided was that while GIF images do have global size data, in animated GIFs, that size data is ignored in favor of frame size data, and since most (probably all) forums only check the global size data, we are able to supply images of any size no matter what restrictions are placed on us.

New SQL Truncation Attacks And How To Avoid Them by Bala Neerumalla.

This one is a bit hard to explain, so I say you should just go read the article, it'll definately be worth your time.

MySpace's "Domain Generalisation" Vulnerability by trev.

trev found a way to exploit MySpace's domain generalisation (which exists so that all the myspace subdomains can interact via Javascript) using the fact that the domain names we enter are not full names, but only partial names, because full names end in a dot, signalling that the .com address is a subsidary of the root address, rather than some other address, anyway, its an interesting thread - you should read it.

Fake AP by Black Alchemy.

This is a fairly old project, which I only found out about a week ago, and while its not revolutionary or anything, I thought it was interesting enough to tell people about. It also showcases the huge difference between web and network security (try to come up with a situation in web security where hiding in misinformation/plain sight was ever possible - if you think of something; email me).

And those are the interesting links I've found in the last month which the other blogs I linked to haven't (to my knowledge) covered.

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